How much is your idea worth?

Early 2013

It was early 2013 when I was about to go for a client meeting. A new idea sparked into my mind. Just before we were about to leave for a taxi, I wanted to bounce it with my colleague. I started to pour my thoughts and the conversation went like so:


Hey I have this brilliant idea that I would like to talk about with the client


Ok, go on!


I think what we shoul...


Show me


We could talk abou...


Show me


I donΒ΄t have anything to show right now, just a conceptual idea at this moment

Narrator (in David Attenborough voice)

At this moment, there is a deep pause and a long, lasting glance into each other's eyes. Tommi has never felt so exposed before.


Now listen to me, Tommi. If you can't show it to me, you got nothing!


(ㆆ _ ㆆ)

...And he was right.

About ideas

Have you ever had a napkin or paper passed on to you. One that was full of scrambles and sketches in such a small area, scribbles that would have made Da Vinci himself envy the drawings. Or maybe it was you who passed it on.

Or maybe it's one of those domain names you parked, the one that reminds you every year with an invoice that nothing has been done with it. But at least, it's a cool domain name stored for other years to come.

There are many different ways how ideas can be executed. Sometimes they are turned into physical artefacts but sometimes they can very well be initiatives that you put into an action. Maybe you email someone, make a phone call, do something that progresses the idea.

Execution multiplies

Another colleague of mine, Lauri once mentioned this brilliant writing by Derek puts it in a nice way that ideas are worth nothing unless executed, and that the execution acts as a multiplier.

Here's my take to try and illustrate this.

Unique idea

Unique execution

No execution

Bad idea

Execution 500 x 500 Idea

Value of the idea is €250,000.00

Do something

So, the next time you have a great idea, don't just let it sit there. Take action, bring it to life.

Thanks for making it to the very bottom πŸ‘‹

I am creating these somewhat interactive blogs every once in a while to practice and develop my frontend and design skills.